August 2020

The case against Metro’s $5 billion transportation bond

Metro’s proposed $5 billion transportation measure makes no sense for the region, for transportation, for our economy, for our kids and for our planet. Portland’s regional government, Metro, will be asking voters in November to approve a $5 billion transportation bond measure. There’s a strong case to be made that this is a badly flawed

The case against Metro’s $5 billion transportation bond Read More »

The Week Observed, August 21, 2020

What City Observatory did this week America’s most and least segregated cities. Residential racial segregation is a fundamental and persistent aspect of system racism in the United States. Segregation cuts of disfavored groups from economic and social opportunity, and cities with higher levels of segregation tend to have lower levels of intergenerational economic mobility.  In

The Week Observed, August 21, 2020 Read More »

America’s least (and most) segregated cities.

Racial segregation still prevails in most American cities, but varies widely across the nation. Portland is the nation’s least segregated large city. The murder of George Floyd by police has reignited national interest in making more progress toward racial justice. It’s prompted a new round of introspection about the racism that’s deeply embedded in many

America’s least (and most) segregated cities. Read More »

“Let them drive Teslas” is not a climate or a justice plan

Portland’s climate emergency efforts are tarnished by an inability to plainly speak the facts about climate change But the tragic fact is that the city is utterly failing to meet even its own previous goals, and more alarmingly, isn’t owning up to the failure of its 2015 plan to reduce emissions. Instead, the Bureau of

“Let them drive Teslas” is not a climate or a justice plan Read More »

Climate Fail: Metro’s 2020 Transportation Package

Metro’s multi-billion dollar transportation package does nothing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Spending $5 billion reduces Portland’s transportation greenhouse gases by .05 percent This package costs  $50,000 per ton in reduced GHG emissions Metro Portland knows that climate change is one of the most serious problems we face.  We know that transportation, particularly automobiles are

Climate Fail: Metro’s 2020 Transportation Package Read More »