June 2023

The Week Observed, June 9, 2023

What City Observatory did this week Guest contributor Miriam Pinski observes that getting the prices right could produce dramatic improvements in how US transportation systems perform.  New York is on the verge of implementing congestion pricing, and other US cities are strongly considering similar policies.   Pricing turns out to be the cornerstone of encouraging widespread

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Getting prices right to improve urban transportation

City Observatory is pleased to publish this guest commentary from Miriam Pinski. With the needed federal environmental approvals in hand, New York looks set to be the first American city to implement congestion pricing.  This may be a watershed moment in transportation policy:  if it can make it there, it can make it anywhere.  Other cities, including Los

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What new computer renderings really show about the IBR

The Interstate Bridge Project has released—after years of delay—computer graphic renderings showing possible designs for a new I-5 bridge between Vancouver and Portland.  But what they show is a project in real trouble.  And they also conceal significant flaws, including a likely violation of the National Environmental Policy Act.  Here’s what they really show: IBR

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