October 2017

Back at the ranch

What the ranch house teaches us about house prices and filtering. Back in the heyday of the post-war housing boom, back when the baby boomers were babies, America was building ranch houses–millions of them. In its prime, the ranch house was the embodiment of the middle-class dream, and newly built suburbs across the nation were […]

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Autonomous Vehicles: Does federal preemption shut down the laboratories of democracy?

There are a lot of details to be worked out to integrate autonomous vehicles into cities. Federal preemption could foreclose the opportunity of states and cities to help figure out the best ways forward. It’s a touchstone of federalism that states and localities are the “laboratories of democracy”:  pilot testing new concepts before they’re rolled

Autonomous Vehicles: Does federal preemption shut down the laboratories of democracy? Read More »

Why is “affordable” housing so expensive to build?

The high price of affordable housing It’s a problem that isn’t going away:  the so-called “affordable” housing we’re building in many cities–by which we mean publicly subsidized housing that’s dedicated to low and moderate income households–is so expensive to build that we’ll never be able to build enough of it to make a dent in

Why is “affordable” housing so expensive to build? Read More »

Now we are three!

Three  years  ago–on October 15th, 2014–we launched City Observatory, a data-driven voice on what makes for successful cities.  Since then, we’ve weighed in daily on a whole series of issues set in and around urban spaces. So today, we’re taking a few moments to celebrate our birthday, reflect back on the past year, and plot a

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