• creates a dangerous hairpin turn on the I-5 Southbound off-ramp
  • increase crashes 13 percent
  • violate the agency’s own highway design standards
  • result in trucks turning into adjacent lanes and forcing cars onto highway shoulders
  • necessitate a 1,000 foot long “storage area” to handle cars exiting the freeway
  • require even wider, more expensive freeway covers that will be less buildable

ODOT’s safety lie is back, bigger than ever. October 18, 2022. Oregon DOT is using phony claims about safety to sell a $1.45 billion freeway widening project.People are regularly being killed on ODOT roadways and the agency claims that it lacks the resources to fix these problems. Meanwhile, it proposes to spend billions of dollars widening freeways where virtually no one is killed or injured and labels this a “safety” project. A wider I-5 freeway will do nothing to improve road safety in Portland.

Oregon DOT admits it lied about I-5 safety. March 17, 2020. Oregon’s Department of Transportation concedes it was lying about crashes on I-5 at the Rose Quarter. For year’s ODOT falsely claimed that I-5 at the Rose Quarter was the ‘highest crash location in Oregon.” After repeatedly pointing out this lie, we finally got ODOT to retract this from their website.