
Why mixed-income neighborhoods matter: lifting kids out of poverty

There’s a hopeful new sign that how we build our cities, and specifically, how good a job we do of building mixed income neighborhoods that are open to everyone can play a key role in reducing poverty and promoting equity. New research shows that neighborhood effects—the impact of peers, the local environment, neighbors—contribute significantly to

Why mixed-income neighborhoods matter: lifting kids out of poverty Read More »

The beat goes on: More misleading congestion rankings from TomTom

Yesterday, TomTom released its annual rankings of the levels of congestion in world and US cities. Predictably, they generated the horrified, self-pitying headlines about how awful congestion is in the top-ranked cities. Cue the telephoto lens shots of bumper-to-bumper traffic, and tales of gridlock. As we’ve long pointed out, there are big problems with the

The beat goes on: More misleading congestion rankings from TomTom Read More »

Here’s your definitive field guide to median rent statistics

Even the most casual consumer of urban news can’t avoid reading articles about whether rents in their city are up, or down, and how they compare to other cities around their country. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these rent estimates are completely made up. As we’ve written, the proliferation of these rent stories seems to

Here’s your definitive field guide to median rent statistics Read More »