January 2024

Why spend $200 million on consultants for “basically the same project”?

Why does it take four years and $200 million to serve up a warmed-over version of the Columbia River Crossing? The Interstate Bridge Replacement Project’s director admitted that he’s just pushing “basically the same” project that failed a decade ago, but in the process, he’s spent $192 million on consultants, with the largest single chunk

Why spend $200 million on consultants for “basically the same project”? Read More »

The Week Observed, January 12, 2024

What City Observatory did this week The pernicious myth of “Naturally Occurring” Affordable Housing.  One of the most dangerous and misleading concepts in housing reared its ugly head in the form a a new publication from, of all places, the American Planning Association.  The publication “Zoning Practice:  Preserving Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing” purports to offer

The Week Observed, January 12, 2024 Read More »

The pernicious myth of “naturally occurring” affordable housing

Housing doesn’t “occur naturally” Using zoning to preserve older, smaller homes doesn’t protect affordability There’s no such thing as “Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing”–older, smaller homes become affordable only if supply and demand are in balance, usually because it’s relatively easy to build more housing. The parable of the ranch home shows that old, small homes

The pernicious myth of “naturally occurring” affordable housing Read More »