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What City Observatory Did This Week Profligacy for freeways, penury for city streets:  Why Portland’s transportation system is broken.   There’s a glaring chasm in transportation finance in Portland.  While the city is broke and half

February 28, 2025

What Matters to the Success of Cities

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What is economic segregation? Economic segregation is the physical separation of households according to income: Low income people are concentrated…

The urban core is the nucleus of the metropolitan area and its health is vital to regional economic success. Certain…

Talent drives city success: The biggest single factor explaining urban economic success is human capital.  

It’s frequently claimed that traffic congestion imposes high and rising costs on the economy.  But is that true?

Density, land use patterns and the transportation system interact to determine how well cities fulfill their fundamental task of bringing…

A key measure of economic success has to be whether we provide widely shared opportunities for economic advancement.

The creation and allocation of living space within a metropolitan area shapes our well-being and the regional economy.

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