These financial projections—which ODOT presents to bond markets as evidence of its best estimate of future conditions—show that Oregon transportation emissions won’t decrease at all through 2029, and will fall vastly short of the greenhouse gas emission reductions pledged by Governor Brown and mandated by state law.  These financial projections show that this agency is cynically keeping two sets of books when it comes climate:  one, for public consumption that pretends to care, and a second set, that reflects its real intent to continue polluting as usual.

2. Drive-thru restaurants are making cities less livable and killing the planet.  Drive-thru’s for restaurants, coffee shops, banks and other retail establishments are some of the most city-soul crushing infrastructure imaginable.  They take up space, create a desolate and pedestrian hostile environment, and cement car-dominance.  And more than that, idling while waiting to pull up to the window and receive your order produces pollution.  We estimate that your twelve ounce latte, dispensed at a drive-in window generates as much as a pound of carbon.