Diverse, Mixed Income Neighborhoods Maps

This page contains maps showing the nation’s most racially and ethnically diverse neighborhoods, and those with the highest levels of income mixing. for City Observatory’s Diverse, Inclusive Neighborhood report.  These web-based maps that let you zoom in to a particular metropolitan area, and observe racial/ethnic and income patterns, and inspect data for individual census tracts. Tracts shaded yellow have a racial and ethnic diversity index score in the top 20 percent of all urban census tracts nationally.  Tracts shaded blue have an income diversity index in the top 20 percent of all urban census tracts nationally.  Tracts shaded green are both racially and ethnically diverse and have a high level of income diversity; they score in the top 20 percent of all urban census tracts nationally on both indices.

America’s Most Diverse, Mixed Income Neighborhoods

[iframe src=”https://qgiscloud.com/jcortright/adminmap” width=”100%” height=”800″]

Map Navigation Instructions

To search for a particular city, enter text in the search box.

To zoom to a location, click and drag to center the map and then click on “+”, to zoom to the desired scale.

To see data values for an individual neighborhood, click on that neighborhood, and then click on the name of the census tract in the pop-up box to see values for that tract.

Data are available for the 52 most populous metropolitan areas in the United States. Census tracts shown are those with a population density of at least one person per acre. Data are from the 2011-15 five-year American Community Survey.