
Why the new Inrix Traffic Scorecard deserves a “D”

At City Observatory, we’ve long been critical of some seemingly scientific studies and ideas that shape our thinking about the nature of our transportation system, and its performance and operation. We’ve pointed out the limitations of the flawed and out-dated “rules of thumb” that guide our thinking about trip generation, parking demand, road widths and

Why the new Inrix Traffic Scorecard deserves a “D” Read More »

Super long commutes: a non-big, non-growing, non-problem

Last week, the Washington Post published an article repeating an old-refrain in transportation journalism—the horror of long commutes. According to the Post, more and more Americans are commuting longer and longer distances to work each day. There’s growing scientific evidence that long commutes are bad for your physical and mental health, reduce happiness, and even

Super long commutes: a non-big, non-growing, non-problem Read More »

How should cities approach economic development?

Everyone interested in state or local economic development should read “Remaking Economic Development: The Markets and Civics of Continuous Growth and Prosperity.” In it, the Brookings Institution’s Amy Liu neatly synthesizes important lessons from the field about how metropolitan centered economic strategies are vitally important not just to revitalizing city economies, but to national economic

How should cities approach economic development? Read More »